Friday, September 26, 2014

In Case You Missed It...

In case you missed it: TMZ apparently has more clout than the NFL and Ray Rice shows us his football skills...on his wife, Adrian Peterson gets a lesson in parenting by the best teachers: SOCIETY, T.I.'s "Road to Redemption" tour ends with the keys of a city he doesn't belong to, Obama's ability to multitask riles up Americans, and Amber Rose shows us how to come-up.

These are some hot topics from over the past couple of weeks and I'll try my best to keep my thoughts about all this foolishness brief, but then is a lot of foolishness.

TMZ, where you can get all your ratchet A-D list celebrity news, acquired and released footage of Ray Rice and his then fiance having a back-and-forth pow wow turned beatdown in a hotel elevator. The complication comes because the video was made public in September, but the actual incident happened in February. NFL Commissioner, Roger Goodell took Rice's words as truth when Rice explained the incident, and was only suspended for two games... with pay, which is apparently legit punishment for beating your spouse. After the release of  the video, however, Goodell was singing a different tune. He and Ravens GM Ozzie Newsome, claimed to have never seen the video, which surprises me because I mean it is the NFL. I know TMZ is famous for supplying people with the latest tea, but for the NFL to say not only did they not see it, but could not obtain the video when asked, is just plain foolishness. In an effort to redeem themselves, Rice's two-day game suspension was beefed up to an indefinite suspension. I'm happy for a more accurate punishment, though I feel it only happened because the NFL was backed in a corner.

Adrian Peterson, another NFL star, is going through a similar situation, but with his child. Peterson is accused of allegedly abusing his four-year-old son with a "switch." Pictures of the child's  lacerations surfaced on the Internet, and caused quite a stir. With this case, it brings about the age old question, "To spare the rod or use it?" I am personally a believer of using the rod, a common practice for southerners, and especially African-Americans, but what do I know. I'm currently apart of #teamnokids. I do think Peterson did a bit much though. I mean he's a BIG guy. I'm sure hitting his son with his hand would have left a mark. The lesson of this story: Try not to let people in to your parenting or your life. They will DEFINITELY have their opinions.

So T.I. received the key to the city of Jackson, Mississippi. While I'm glad about all that he is doing on what seems to be the longest road to redemption, I don't think he should have been given key to the city. It's not like he's a prominent figure in the capitol city, and he's in Jackson often talking about his life in prison. I mean...does he even have key to his own city???

On a somewhat political note, a video of President Obama attempting to salute a Marine veteran with a coffe cup in his hand, while exiting off an airplane, caused quite a ruckus for Americans. I'm more than positive there are more important things going on, but that didn't stop people from taking the time out to complain about something so trivial. I mean REALLY??? What did they want him to do, set his cup down and then salute??? Smh. 

Well there's sad news for those that thought Wiz and his bald bombshell would make it last forever: They didn't. Surprisingly, Amber Rose was the one to call it quits. She's on to the next one now, but not before getting a little extra something from her soon-to-be ex-husband. In a prenup agreement, before the short-lived marriage, Rose asked for a $1 million pay out. Go ahead girl! A milli, a georgous baby that she will have full custody of...I think she made it out pretty nicely. Let's just hope her next celeb beau doesn't have the cheating bug, but I'm sure Amber will have a million dollar back-up plan.