So I haven't posted in a while, which is pretty normal for me, but this time there was a legitimate reason this time. haha. My phone was stolen three weeks ago and I was really sad and mad about the whole situation. i was phoneless for like the first few days and through many failed ideas of trying to get another FREE phone, i decided to try Craigslist. I never tried it, but I heard that I would be able to find much cheaper phones than the one C Spire was offering. The first phone I found was an Iphone 4 for $200. I thought that was a great price. So I called, he answered, and we set up a time to me. Unfortunately he never showed. When I tried calling his phone, he didn't answer. I was disappointed, but nonetheless I tried Craigslist one more time. A few days later, I found an Iphone 4s 16gb for $250. That was better than the first deal. I called the guy to set up a day to meet, and we met. This time I had back-up though. We were meeting at night and I didn't know if he was crazy or not. Turns out he wasn't crazy, he was a thief. The guy sold me a stolen phone. I cried at C Spire when they told me the news. I just didn't believe people actually did stuff like that. SMH. Boy was I naive, but not anymore. After a comforting talk with my dad I felt better. You're not real until you make mistakes and learn from them. It shows growth. I might not have my Iphone anymore, but I'll eventually get one. Things could be so much worse. I'm grateful for the lesson.
Until next time...