I know I haven't written anything in like FOREVER, and I'm SORRY. I'm gonna make up for it tho. I'm gonna do like 3 posts back-to-back. So YEAH. El.oh.el. OKAY. So my friend's Shelby's b-day was this past weekend. Before school ended, she told us that she would have plans for her b-day weekend, and she was inviting us to come. (US- Me, Crystal, Thelma, and Bri) When school ended, I offficially decided that I was going to buy a plane ticket to go to Houston and celebrate Shelby's b-day. I mean she's my friend, and I'll have money, so why not??? Besides, I knew that Crystal and Thelma would be going with me, so I wouldn't be by myself. I knew Bri wasn't going because she HATES planes. *sighs* I called Thelma and Crystal as soon as I got my ticket to let them know where I got mine from so we could be on the same plane. When I told them, they were telling me a whole LIST of things that I didn't want to hear. They were saying that they might not be able to make it. I was just thinking, "oh.em.GEE. These hoes BETTA go. I'm not gonna be in Houston by mySELF." El.oh.el. I encouraged them that they would, and that was the end of that conversation. A week and a half later I asked them again, and it was confirmed...I was going to Houston by myself. *sighs* I finally came to grips with it. I mean...I wasn't gonna NOT go. Besides, it's non-refundable. El.oh.el. So I was packing up everything...LITERALLY. I know I packed more than I should have, but I needed to have options. When the time finally came for me to travel to Houston, I was SUPER psyched. I was feeling anxious. I was nervous and it was TOTALLY noticeable. When I got to the airport to check in my bags, the baggage handler asked ONE question. From that question, the he was
able to determine that it was my first time riding a plane. El.oh.el. SMH. I
was FREAKING OUT. I was shaking SO HARD. It was RIDICULOUS. It only got worse
when I got closer to where I needed to be. I went inside, past the security,
which I thought was a little much, and I started to walk to where I THOUGHT I
was supposed to be. I looked a little lost, but I was trying to. El.oh.el. I
finally found somewhere to sit. I ended up sitting by this guy who not only
goes to JSU, but who said that he sees me around campus and always thought that
I was beautiful. *pauses* I always find the weird guys. El.oh.el. He didn't
bother me that much, because he was keeping me SOMEWHAT calm. It was finally
time for us to board the plane, and my nerves were at an all time HIGH when we
started to move inside. By the time I sat down, I was totally out of it. I
didn't even know how to put on my seatbelt. SMH. Then I became calm. I thought
to myself, "This isn't that bad. I can DO THIS!" El.oh.el. But little
did I know that we hadn't ACTUALLY taken off yet. All I felt was the plane
speeding up and then I jolted back in the seat. The plane started flying
around. It really felt like a rollercoaster. And THAT was takeoff. El.oh.el.
When that 5 minutes of surprise was over, I started to dose in and out of
sleep. Next thing I know, they are passing out snacks, and then they're telling
us we were in Houston. WOW...that was FAST. I was super excited now. I was in
Hobby airport. I had to go to baggage claim to find stuff. After the THIRTY
MINUTES that took, el.oh.el., I was to ready to go with Shelby's mom. She
picked me up from the airport. Houston is GINORMOUS. It took us it seemed like
FOREVER to get to the house, and they said that that was close. 0_o Shelby was
excioted to see me and I was excited to be there, but there was no time for
hugging and talking. It was time to get ready for our first placeto go for the
weekend. We went to a sports bar. It was REALLY SNAZZY. After almost an hour of
waiting, her friends are black, el.oh.el., they started to show up. And I must
say, Shelby's friends are ALL GOOD LOOKING. I was like WHAAAATT??? El.oh.el. Of
course I was reserved at first, but I started to warm up a little. Shelby's
friends were really col. The next night was even better. We were at Dave and
Buster's. Everyone was more relaxed and chill. Things that night got pretty
CRAZY. El.oh.el. So crazy that they can't be discussed. El.oh.el. But they aren't THAT bad. El.oh.el. The next day was a Sunday. It was my last day there. I went to church with Shelby and her dad, and then I was on my way back home afterwards. Shelby's church was giNORMO. It was something I wasn't used to, because my church is WAAYY smaller. It was a nice experience though because I've never really been to another church. Soon...it was time for me to go. :-( I was pretty sad. I wanted to stay a little longer, but the whole JOB THING. *sighs* But I definitely want to fly again. I'm still taking baby steps, so I don't think I'll be flying to like Canada or anywhere, but traveling via airplane is a new thing added to my list of things to do.
Until next time,